Kahaaneee Laakho Andooo ki....

The subject line derived from the famous comedy movie "Andaaz Apna Apna"...

Time and again I come across this phrase...Like

"Mai Ek Paultry form Kholonga.......

Usme Hazaaaroo Murgiyaa Palooonga.....

Hazaaro Murgiyoke lakho ande.........

Lakho andoke arabo omlete.........

aur Bread bhi Mai hee bechunga.........."

The dream of earning money and making it big.....Day in and day out we think this sort...

Here "ANDE" the eggs literally doesn't mean EGG...Its actualy Money

Many a times whenever I speak to one of my friend from Mumbai I tell him "Saala,In andoke chakkar mai kahaa Agaye yaaar"

Its been 7 years since I have been travelling to make my life.....I know the journey will go on....

From Searching for final year project to searching for job...then searching for proper work ...now Search for good enough "ANDE" I mean Money......

Most of us of my age will have this kind of situation...where we think that this is not enough...

Feels like "Jitna Note Chaapana hai Onsite mai Chapalo"...Bolete How much ever you want earn money & save you can save it here.......before getting into This inflation...This recession & the Depression and the frustration...

Still in Draft...More later


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