yea mai nahee kehta Geeta mai likha hai

Overcoming Recession the Bhagwad Geeta Way Although the tough is part of market's sinusoidal behaviour, It is still important for businesses and individuals alike to tide over this wave with self-respect to spare. Amidst this turmoil, where else to look for inspiration than our own Bhagwad Geeta. Indeed All one needs to do is just scratch the surface of this reservoir of wisdom to unearth one beautiful pearl after another. So here is the list of Seven Habits of the Toughest People who outlast the tough times. This doctrine will stand everyone in good stead not only during the current times but indeed for all times to come:-
1. Yuktahar Viharasya Yukta Cheshtasya Karmasu….. (Exercise Moderation):
Take the middle path rather than any extreme. Reuse before recycling. Spread your eggs in various baskets. Spend wisely. Monitor expenses. Differentiate wants from needs. Revise targets, Reset expectations, Revisit the plans, Refine goals. Make your time count, Make your resource count, Make your money count, Manage waste. Be disciplined in your approach and processes you follow.

2. Swadharme Nidhanam Shreyah Paradharmo Bhayavahah…… (Focus on your core competency): Use the available resources to introspect, re-invent yourself and focus on your core competencies. Identify your Swa-Dharma which is nothing but servicing those market needs that you are best at fulfilling. Recession or No-recession, the world has to go on. Figure out where your piece in the jig-saw puzzle and play in the space where you will continue to be useful.
3. Na Hi Dnyanen Sadrisham Pavitram Iha Vidyate…….. (Multi-skill/Up-skill): If you have time to spare because production is down, Use it to build your production capacity. In other words, re-charge, overhaul, upgrade, build additional features in your production engine/service delivery model that will enable you to give your customers more for less – not in current times but even when markets hot up later. Create that balance between your Production and Production Capacity as enumerated by Stephen Covey, Remember, Knowledge is Power

4. Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam…….. (Inculcate Quality as the Way of Life) :

Follow Karma Yoga Do the Right thing in the Right place at Right Time. Let Quality be hallmark of all your products, processes and services. Today times may be recessionary, but when did customers ever not want value for their money? When was the expectation faster, cheaper, better not there? Quality of products, processes and services will ensure faster time to market, right product in the market and reduced cycle time – first time, every time. After all, what you are selling to customers are experiences that enrich their lives. So let Quality be the Culture.

5. Karmanyev Aadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachan……. (Control the Controlables) Control how you spend, control what you do, respond to the situation – not react. Belives in the natural laws of Karma, of Action, and Reaction. If you do the Right thing, the result will have to be Right – in whatever shape or form it may occur. So take it one day at a time, One transaction at a time, One act at a time, One thought at a time and just keep your focus on responding appropriately. In cricket, the bowler has to keep pitching the ball in the right spot all the time. If he does that, it is just a matter of time before the conditions induce the batsman in losing his wicket!

6. Udharet Atman Atmanam Natmanam Avasadayet…….. (Be the Change You Want See) You are the master of your own destiny - market conditions notwithstanding! Create positive spirals. Make one good thing dovetail into the other. Start with positive resolutions, manage your time, mange your resources, manage your stakeholders, manage your emotions, manage your expectations, manage your professional and personal life. As Sir Winston Churchill kept telling the beleaguered Britain during the Second World War – Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up. Also above all love yourself first so that you can able to love others, Eat well, Drink well. Sleep tight like a baby. Exercise. Meditate. Love your near and dear ones. Love your work not your company. No matter what anyone says, Life is good, world is not a bad place at all and what's more , you can make it a little better by what you do.

7. Sukha Dukkhe Same Krutva Labhalabhau Jayajayau…….. (Don't Worry, Be Happy) Let go. Take the pressure off. Unload the baggage. Travel Light. Get Out of that Rat Race. Don't worry about the results, about targets someone else set for you - or you set for yourself because of someone else's pressure. If you are doing your best, then results will follow and water will find it's level over a period of time. Answers cannot be consistently wrong if the method is consistently right. Beyond that , learn to accept things as they are. Life as it is. No matter how bad your situation, you can lose your sanity and make it worse. Not Last But Least, We all know too well that tough times don't last but tough people do. You too can.

This not written by me...written in geeta... :)


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