Short Story of one of the IT Project which I worked

Dear All,

This is the story of our New Project Called Commercial Cards

7Th January….we got New Project …we thought its small project which requires crossing salt lake…so we hired a boat & 4 resources…..

11th February Then suddenly the scope got increased I mean from river to Salt lake Sea….. So we decided we will hire Ship, Sailors & Captains from other Big Big Rivers….. So now it is decided 20 on ship & 4 - Off ship (Diksooochi’s boleto Leads) J…

So all got trained for sailing in ship for Month……in a Boat (Valmiki-2nd Block ground Floor---i very tiny room)….

11th March...One fine morning it rained so heavily (More than 2 Technical Manager start deciding on the Automation approach) in Salt lake that…the boat in valmiki is shelved……due to this 10 sailors drowned….fell into RMG… L

Socha nahee tha taqdeer yahaa laayegi Manzeel pe aate hi Project chalee jaayegi….

Just for PHUN…




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