Can a waste land in agriculture has corporate solution to poor farmer?

As main source of India is AgricultureCan you imagine Recruiting farmers?**

Conditions Apply**
Land..Money..Weather play critical roles in AgricultureLot of people have Land they dont have Money..

Some people have money they don't have Land.
Some people have both but they think they don't want risk due to changing weather.
Buying land for real estate, we earn a lot...But at some point in time, we get into a food crisis Where having money cant buy quality food.

As all agriculture land is being used for something else..So is there any solution for keeping farmer in his village, providing the corporate solution, providing the corporate solution of happy living of the generations to come

I know non-profit organizations like world bank do it for countries...but country politicians do not make it reach farmers effectively..
It's not short term coarse but we should have long term ventures.

I have dreamed of recruiting formers..the criteria is not education...but it would be experienced in the field...

One day I'm hopeful that, I will be having enough money bare the losses due to changing weather...

I wish to see a profit to mankind, not money...

Socho Samajo aur baadmai kadam oootao...


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