1st visit to onsite......

Back Ground: Onsite oportunity is very relative term for some its very easy and for some it is still a dream,nothing great about it.But still it carries lot of wieght & attracts Software coolies to join company or make leave a company.


Word onsite itself was a very amusing as for as me is concern.It was during the Deewali 2005 for me the word onsite was unrealistic.After my return from Deewali vacation,i saw mail from ROU regarding client interview on onsite openining.First time I couldnt believe my luck.Once it was confirmed I had very decent cient interview to pick myself.Then as usual background screening & the VISA processing it went on for 3 weeks.All those days i survived lot of axious moments.Once all set had Euro Currency & Flight tickets in hand..I was very nervous till I landed my first step in Dublin Airport.Dublin is capitol of Ireland.

My Begining Days in Doooblin...
I was in a unknown territory,First time out side the Mera Bharat was quite an amazing experiance.The Hotel Name where I was staying initial days it had Indian name TARA TOWERS but it was very much Irish.

I was very much worried about the food,as i didnt know cooking and also no idea of waht kind of company I mean Friends I will get.

Actully I met very nice,open hearted & down to earth friends in The TARA TOWERS...
Zaheer,Kiran,Jitu,Shub & Shibani they are 1st list of friends whom I met,All were from Mumbai.Then we started getting to know each other with Morning BUS to office...sharing Lunch....and then our weekend partys where we actually started opening up.There was not single weekend we wasted....the get togethers... the mimicry..pulling leg...had fun..sharing & caring really unforgettable.

without them it would have been very forgettable Dublin..


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